Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not listed, please contact us

Contact Tiger Concept
what is eco linen

"Eco linen" refers to linen produced in an environmentally friendly way, with an emphasis on sustainability throughout the production process. Linen is a natural fiber made from the flax plant. The term "eco" implies that the cultivation, harvesting and processing of the flax plants, as well as the manufacture of linen fabric, are carried out with minimal environmental impact. This can include practices such as using less water, reducing the use of harmful chemicals, employing crop rotation to maintain soil health, and ensuring that all parts of the plant are used to minimize waste.

Eco linen production focuses on sustainability issues, such as:

- **Organic Farming**: Growing flax plants without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
- **Water Use**: Flax requires significantly less water compared to other natural fibers such as cotton, making it inherently more sustainable. Eco linen producers can further minimize water use through efficient processes.
- **Chemicals Reduction**: Reducing or eliminating the use of harmful chemicals in the processing of linen, which includes retting (necessary to separate the fiber from the stem), bleaching, dyeing and finishing the fabric.
- **Energy Efficiency**: Implementing energy-saving measures in production facilities to reduce the carbon footprint.
- **Waste Reduction**: Ensuring that waste is minimized by using by-products or recycling water and materials used in the production process.

Products labeled as eco linen are often certified by environmental standards, which verify that the linen has been produced according to specific ecological and social criteria. This assures consumers that the products they are buying are actually environmentally friendly and sustainable.

How much water does your tree hold?

Trees reduce erosion of topsoil by trapping rain with their canopies. This slows water runoff, allowing water to seep into the soil and replenish groundwater supplies. Although water retention is somewhat lower in the first years after trees are brought back and higher in later years, the average can be put at 1371 liters per tree per year!

What is the minimum number of sneakers printed with logo I should order?

Sneakers printed with your logo and done in your corporate colors we supply from 5 pairs upwards in a mix of sizes. The are the ' Promotional and children's' models.
The handmade 'Premium' sneakers printed with your logo will be delivered starting from 10 pairs.
The handmade Portuguese 'Sustainable' sneakers are produced from 40 pairs.

What does the CSRD legislation mean for my company

Starting in 2025, the CSRD requirement/legislation will come into effect for companies within the European Union, setting a new standard
for sustainability reporting.

What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Comprehensive Reporting: CSRD expands the scope of companies to report and deepens the information to be provided.
Transparency: It provides stakeholders, including investors and consumers, with a clearer picture of companies' sustainability performance.
Accountability: Companies are encouraged to take responsibility for their impact on society and the environment.

We Are Here To Help! Tackling the CSRD obligation can seem daunting, but with the right guidance and resources, it is an opportunity to position your company as an industry leader in sustainability.
We provide corporate gifts and marketing products with an understanding of their carbon footprint.
We can give you an annual report of the impact of the products you have purchased from us. This is how we help you meet the obligation of the CSRD.

Contact us today and take the step toward a more sustainable future! Tel: 030 2600 400 or

CSRD legislation, for which companies mandatory from 2024

The CSRD applies to companies that meet the following criteria:

A workforce of more than 250 employees.
An annual turnover of more than 40 million euros.
More than 20 million euros on the balance sheet.

What does the organization treebytree do

The organization TreeByTree focuses on bringing back trees. Their goal is to improve the environment and promote sustainability by planting new trees, which helps reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and support biodiversity. They also initiate educational programs and community engagement to raise awareness about the importance of trees and forests.

Is the CO2 from all the products Tiger Concept sells offset?

No, only the products for which we know how much CO2 is released during production, packaging, use and final (waste) disposal. Tiger Concept, or producer has (had) the calculation of CO2 done correctly. The products of which we are not sure how much CO2 is released, we do not compensate. Step by step we calculate the CO2 impact for more articles. These products will be added. The articles now listed on the 'CO2 neutral' products page will be compensated. In doubt? Just check with us.

How much CO2 does a tree absorb during its lifetime?

The estimated total amount of CO2 absorbed over a 20-year period from an average FMNR tree is 240 kg. The average survival rate of FMNR trees is 80%. It is assumed that CO2 absorption is more or less linear for the 20-year period and that the average FMNR tree - when rehabilitated - is 1 year old.

What is the delivery time of printed sneakers / shoes with logo?

Delivery time of printed shoes depends on the model, where it is produced and how many pieces, Standard money:
Premium sneakers: from 4 weeks
Durable sneakers: from 6 weeks
Promotional sneakers: from 3 weeks to 50 pairs
Best sneakers: 6 to 8 weeks up to 15,000 pairs

Customer Service Tiger Concept

Does a product or print not (completely) meet your expectation?
What should you do if a product does not meet your expectations, despite having taken advantage of our opportunity to receive a physical sample?

Here we will explain to you step by step what you can do and, how we will help you.

Step 1: Within 3 business days of receiving your order, send an email to containing:

Your company name, name, email and phone number
The reference number of your order (example: TC1234)
The product name of the item in question
Clearly describe why the product or printing does not meet your expectations, and include pictures.
Please indicate how many pieces have the problem.
How can we solve this problem for you
Step 2: Within 24 hours, we will confirm receipt of your comment by email and/or phone. We may contact you for additional information.

Step 3: Within 5 working days we will come up with our feedback or proposal to solve the problem

Should we still not come to an agreement, your complaint will be submitted to the PPP complaints committee. (PPP = the promotional industry association). The costs involved will have to be paid by the party ruled against. Look for more information in our general conditions.

Any questions?

Do you have questions about the product, proof, colors, printing or other questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to look into them with you. or call 030 2600 400

What is home copying for USB sticks

Carbonless USB sticks
What is home copy
The home copy levy compensates authors and artists for copying music and movies for private use. A levy already existed on blank CDs and DVDs. Since January 1, 2018, levies also apply to USB sticks.

What does this mean for your USB flash drive purchase?
This means that we, as importer and trader of USB sticks, as of January 1, 2018 have to charge a home copy fee
in the amount of 0.40 EUR per USB stick to our customers and have to pay it to Stichting de Thuiskopie.

The scheme was established by law to compensate for lost revenue from copying copyrighted
protected material. The Minister of Justice has designated Stichting de Thuiskopie to the exclusion of all others
to collect and distribute all home copying fees.

The home copying fee for USB sticks will be displayed on the invoice for transparency purposes.

Exception for export
If Tiger Concept delivers the USB sticks abroad, you do not have to pay the homecopy fee.
If you, as a customer, export the USB sticks yourself then you can reclaim the Homecopy levy from Stichting Thuiskopie within 6 months after the invoice date.

Exception for professional / business use
If USB sticks are used strictly for business purposes then the home copy fee does not have to be remitted.
What are the guidelines:
- the USB sticks are handed out with locked data such as company presentations or other data uploaded, and therefore cannot be used in any other way, or
- the USB sticks are strictly only used within your company for backup or data transfer.

How do you qualify for the home copy levy exemption?
After receiving the invoice from Tiger Concept BV with the private copying levy you can reclaim the private copying levy
from Stichting Thuiskopie. You can register as a professional user on the website of Stichting Thuiskopie and submit the reclaim.
PLEASE NOTE: You must submit the reclamation to Stichting Thuiskopie within 6 months of the date of our invoice.

You can learn more about the Home Copy Levy on the Home Copy Foundation website (

starting from how many pairs can I order sneakers in own company color and with logo printed?

Sneakers in your own corporate color and with logo printed we deliver from 5 pairs, depending on the type of shoe. The shoes can be ordered in a mix of sizes.
Promotional sneakers from 5 pairs
Premium sneakers from 10 pairs
Durable sneakers from 35 pairs and (Lagos model from 15 pairs)

How is CO2 uptake calculated?

Trees trap carbon and emit clean, pure oxygen. They are the lungs of our earth. And by bringing back (and donating) trees, you directly contribute to growing CO2 uptake. Our partner Justdiggit, in collaboration with a specialized third party, has developed a computational model that can estimate the CO2 absorbed based on a growth model. The model takes into account detailed local conditions and can thus arrive at a verified amount of CO2 absorbed by the trees at the ecosystem level. This can then be calculated back to the CO2 uptake per tree.

The estimated total amount of CO2 absorbed over a 20-year period from an average FMNR tree is 240 kg. The average survival rate of FMNR trees is 80%. It is assumed that CO2 absorption is more or less linear for the 20-year period and that the average FMNR tree - when rehabilitated - is 1 year old.

This allows us to estimate carbon sequestration over the life span and to date of all FMNR trees. This method provides an accurate estimate of carbon sequestration taken over large groups of trees.

How the carbon footprint of gifts is offset

Tiger Concept offsets the carbon footprint of gifts and products by bringing back trees. Trees absorb CO2. The trees are returned to Africa in partnership with treebytree and Justdiggit.

What are the DHL PMS (Pantone) colors

The DHL color yellow is PMS 116c
The DHL PMS color red is PMS 200

What is the minimum number of sneakers printed with logo I should order?

We deliver the promotional printed shoes from as little as 5 pairs.

How a product's carbon footprint is offset

The carbon footprint of a product is offset by planting trees

Return Policy

The return policy is described in our terms and conditions. Our return policy in brief:

Worked products
Products specially printed, engraved or machined for you can never be returned.
Specially produced products
Products produced especially for you can never be returned.
Unprocessed products
Products ordered from Tiger Concept are always delivered under B2B (business) conditions. The return of a product can be requested. If the return is approved, all costs involved (transport and handling) are for the buyer. Goods must still be in their original packaging and must not have been removed from it. If the goods have been out of the packaging the return will not be accepted. Returns must be made within 14 days of delivery.
Want to try the product yourself?
For samples we charge the standard product price + € 7.95 transport and handling.

We recommend that you always order a sample. This way you may avoid the possibility that the product ordered does not meet your expectations. Samples are always available, unless it is a production where the product is completely made for you. Often we can then supply a similar product, from another production.
The cost associated with a sample from our European stock is: the product price + € 7.95 transport. These costs will be credited when ordering over € 795 and within 30 days. For samples not from our European stock, costs are on request.
For orders where you have not pre-ordered a sample, we cannot take any responsibility if the product does not meet your expectations.

How long is the delivery time?

On the quote, we provide the expected delivery time for your order. After placing the order, your order is scheduled at production and we can give a more specific delivery time. The delivery time is always indicative. Delays in production or during transport or customs are beyond our control.
Do you have a deadline? Communicate it clearly to us so we can take it into account.

How long will my Artwork be kept?

Tiger Concept stores each design by client name and type. All files and artworks are stored unless we receive a black and white request to delete the files in question from our server.

Full color printing and PMS color

Full color printing can NEVER be printed in PMS color. The color will always be printed approximately, even if a supplied file is formatted in a particular PMS color.

How specific are the colors on my screen?

All product photos and images on the website are optimized for the best screen and printer colors so that they display as well as possible on your screen. Despite this, colors may still vary slightly depending on the quality or age of your computer screen or printer. This does not necessarily affect how you evaluate the artwork, however, it is something you need to consider if the colors are very important. To avoid problems here, I refer to the PMS colors section.

Review printing proof

The logo shown in the proof may differ in both color and size from the actual print on the product.

For example, a color may appear differently on different materials. For example, a particular color printed on metal sometimes looks different than printed on paper or fabric. The background color is also important; a light color printed on a dark background is more visible than the same light color printed on a light background.
Keep this in mind when choosing the print color and when reviewing prints. When sizing the logo, go by the indicated dimensions (in mm or cm).

Printing colors on different materials and different color background?

A color printed on paper, metal, fabric or a type of plastic can look different for each material. Especially if the background color is also different. This while the printing color used is the same. Keep this in mind when choosing a print color and when evaluating prints.

What are PMS colors?

You want the logo in blue ... but which blue? Even a specific designation like azure can vary by computer or printer. Of course, we don't want the company's style to transfer incorrectly into the delivered product. That's why we use the Pantone Matching System (PMS) so everything stays in the same line. Unless otherwise stated, all products on the website are printable with PMS colors. This way we can be sure that if we have a ball printed on printer A and a shirt printed on printer B, both will use the same shade of blue! Please note that every monitor displays colors differently. For that reason, the color on your screen may not accurately reflect the color on the final product. Using PMS colors of your logo prevents this from going wrong with the final product as well. Tiger Concept cannot be held responsible for a deviation of color related to different screens or complaints about the color of the printing when no PMS color is issued.

What is the pre-production photo?

The pre-production photo shows what the final product will look like, there is no more possibility to make changes without incurring costs, it also depends on the product/modification how much the costs are. Actually having the product in hand and being able to judge it is, for a fee, of course also possible. Keep in mind that the delivery time will possibly differ from the agreed date.

What is a digital proof/print proof?

Before the product is actually printed, our supplier/designer will email a copy of your artwork for confirmation. This proof shows you in the clearest way possible what the final product will look like, including the printing. This is your chance to make sure that the font, position, spelling and colors are correct, and to give us any additional information needed to make the printing completely satisfactory. We provide this proof free of charge, with a limited number of changes included. (The size of) the logo displayed on the product may differ from the actual print (size). For a good idea of the actual size of the logo, you should refer to the dimensions displayed in numbers (mm or cm).

What is the difference between a bitmap and a vector file?

Bitmap images are defined by a precisely assigned collection of individual dots, pixels or colors. Vector files are graphical, mathematical algorithms that allow a file to be scaled without loss of resolution. If someone wants to enlarge or reduce a Bitmap file, the file will become pixelated and show blurred/bad edges. Vector files are used for this reason, they are sharper in every way and the edges will be nicely finished when the file needs to be enlarged or reduced.

Which files are accepted?

We can only work with Vector files, such as Adobe Illustrator (.AI or .EPS) or certified PDF files (not normal PDF files). These are guidelines, each job stands on its own and will be reviewed individually for each job.

Can I get a sample to properly evaluate the product?

We recommend that you always order a sample. This way you may avoid the possibility that the product ordered does not meet your expectations. Samples are always available, unless it is a production where the product is completely made for you. Often we can then supply a similar product, from another production.
The cost associated with a sample from our European stock is: the product price + € 7.95 transport. These costs will be credited when ordering over € 795 and within 30 days. For samples not from our European stock, costs are on request.
For orders where you have not pre-ordered a sample, we cannot take any responsibility if the product does not meet your expectations.

You wish to follow up?

Tiger Concept wishes to continuously improve. Therefore, we feel it is very important to know how your experience with us was. A follow-up will follow up after delivery.

You wish you order to be delivered on time?

You as a customer often have deadlines for which you need the products.

On-time delivery is a high priority at Tiger Concept. To achieve this, Tiger Concept works closely with reliable manufacturers, suppliers and reputable logistics companies.

Would you like a quote and a free digital proof?

At Tiger Concept, in addition to a quotation, you always receive a free digital proof as standard. You can easily view and approve our quotations digitally. So you always know exactly what you are going to pay. The digital proof gives you a good idea of what the product will look like with your logo.

You want personalized service?

At Tiger Concept, we listen carefully to your needs and based on that, you will receive expert advice. Furthermore, you will be assisted throughout the ordering process by our friendly and helpful staff. Of course in Dutch, but also in English or German.

You wish to receive samples of products?

As a customer at Tiger Concept, you always have the opportunity to order a sample of our products so that you can judge with your own eyes whether the product fully meets your expectations.

You want a good price?

Always nice and easy shopping at Tiger Concept, that is our goal! Good value for money is very important. Good advice with a smile is the most important thing! That is why our price matches the service we provide.

Satisfied customer guarantee

At Tiger Concept, the ordering process of promotional products with logo is fast, smooth and easy. You can rely on that. Order in our webshop or by email. We will be happy to help you throughout the ordering process and if you do not yet know what to order, we are also happy to make product suggestions.

Bestelformulier Sneakers

    Na de bevestiging van uw bestelling nemen wij contact met u op om de aantallen per gewenste maat (van 36 t/m 48), het logo en de gewenste kleuren te bespreken. Ons team zal vervolgens het ontwerp verzorgen.**

    Let op: Bij het plaatsen van uw bestelling gaat u een zakelijke overeenkomst aan met betalingsverplichting. U gaat tevens akkoord met het verwerken van uw gegevens.**

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a button